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Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Tell me it isn't true!   I was only kidding!  I don't want to be locked in my house with old frozen foods and tumbleweeds.  Oh wait.  Those are dust balls, blown from the tables when the furnace went on. I am taking calls, please, if you're out there........................marge


  1. Dear Marge,

    I hope that you're faring well with this latest bout of cabin fever. I'm relived that those were dust balls, not tumbleweeds. Although, having spontaneous indoor tumbleweeds roll across your table would be a great claim to fame. Kind of a fun and mysterious phenomenon!

    Take care and stay warm! Spring has to come at SOME point! Right!?


  2. I was just about to delete my latest blog cause I didn't understand the first part! You're probably right about the cabin fever. Sounds better than scribbled reminder notes to myself all over the desk. That is, if I remember to look at them.
