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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Read the labels carefully!

No not pills, or over the counter meds, the tube of toothpaste.  Go ahead, laugh but I give you fair warning,  someone or company, is putting something in the toothpaste!  Recently, have your late-night eating habits changed?  I'm afraid mine have.  Now, sigh, every evening I brush my teeth, I get hungry, and having just eaten makes no difference.  So I eat and no, I won't re brush! It must be an evil plot, why, I'm not sure, It's either to give a boost to companies selling diet pills, or two, find it necessary to buy more toothpaste than previously needed. If you can come up with another thought, please, share it...................marge

Monday, November 25, 2019

I said it and I'm not taking my words back!

An early dinner was planned at my retirement home so many could go to a movie.  Herein comes the griping! Outside the dining room, were 30 or more Seniors with walkers or canes.  We are not the speediest group.  The buffet table was immediately inside the entrance.  The food choices were many.  I kicked into the 'griper' mode.  No, I don't know when it is going to happen.  I even yelled to the head lady in the crowd that the planning of the buffet tables was just plain stupid.  We were 'blocked' before we could even get into the dining room!  AAARRRGGGGHHHH!......marge                     Sorry.  I lost my cool and should have 'spouted' nicer!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jim Bishop and Kellyanne Conway.

These two people in trumph's camp were born without any sense of integrity and basic humanness.  They are so poisonous I have a hard time even glimpsing them on TV.  What has become of us when we don't even seem to be aware of their blindness to any form of honesty and justness?  And now, the more difficult questions.  How and when are we going to be able to rid our Government of people like this?  what must we do, and we must, to remove them?  The honest way is always longer and harder............................marge

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Emotional fatigue.

Let Mom keep her independence for as long as possible.  She may be frail and hard of hearing but this isn't her choice.  When you are not here, she orders food from the menu, cuts up her own meat and functions quite well.  We know you are tired of all the little things you must do and we do appreciate all of them. When you come to visit, first sigh, and then, with a big smile, come forward. Mom will love you even more...............marge