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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

But, is it gone, or will I fall victim?

I was minding my own business this morning about to make a fresh pot of coffee. As I poured the cold water in, out scurried a spider, a blond spider,  about four inches by four inches it would appear to me.  I tried desperately to get the pot to the sink so as to dump the spider out! I finally got it over the sink but alas, no spider appeared as I emptied out the water.  I even rinsed out the pot hopefully not getting any water into the 'electrical' area.  I even flipped on the switch for a few seconds hoping to see it scramble to safety and not get electrocuted.  Alas no. Which is more important to a coffee addict, finding 'blondie' or having my coffee. Yes, I'm about to make my morning pot.  I'll let you know if I survive.  Special prayers, please. A big PLEASE..............marge