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Saturday, December 24, 2011


I had a friend, long since dead, who left an indelible mark on my life. Two memories stand out. The first. She cradled our Spina Bifida, hydrocephalic baby in her forearms and gently told him how beautiful he was. Secondly. I and two of my children came down with the chicken pox at the same time. She took my eight month old home to care for her without a seconds hesitation. Some time later, I told her how grateful I was. She looked at me in astonishment and said, "You don't know how honored I was you asked me!" Her name was Audrey Clapham. Never to be forgotten. Remembered with the greatest of love..........marge


  1. We have all been blessed with angels in our lives. Sometimes we are too busy to say thanks and realize what a huge impact they had on us. We need to slow down, look around, smell the roses and bless those that are our "angels" today.

  2. Audrey was and is an angel. I remember years of her reading B'rer Rabbit to all of the cabins at choir camp. Each night she'd go to a different cabin and read. She did amazing voices for each of the characters. Simple bedtime stories saved many campers from home sickness.
