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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sex Offender Registry-Letter to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard

The following is a letter almost verbatim, I recently sent to Sheriff Michael Bouchard of Oakland County, Mi. Dear Sheriff Bouchard. I understand that you were actively inpart or all, responsible for the SOR Registry in Mi. With all due respect, I am hoping you may be able to influence major changes in its structure, requirements and what really seems to be excessive, if not totally unnecessary rules(ergo) punishments. Many agree that the vast majority are on the list for reason that don't or shouldn't apply to these people. I think the saddest part, is at present, there is no recourse for anyone to reasonably and or without major financial cost and I do mean major, to be removed. I believe there is not even a board to do this, again at a reasonable cost AND time range. Michigan's list is by far excessive to all other states. The scary part is that when people see the list, the first thing that pops into their heads is 'Pedophile'. We know this in not the truth. I don't even pretend to understand all the catagories nor I presume do others that choose to look up 'offenders'. I personally do not look up anyone, in part, for that reason. It bothers me greatly that the public is continually being frightened by the lumping of everyone on the list as the 'worst offenders!' One person on the list was told by a Mi State Trooper, "why, you shouldn't even be on this list!" If at the time, this person couldn't afford a good attorney, or a prosecutor leaned heavily on words by a disgruntled woman with an agenda, they didn't stand a chance. This is not to leave out all the teenagers who did what many teenagers do. Since it isn't a politically correct problem, legislatures seem to shy away from doing something good for the people on the 'list'. I'm hoping maybe you can. PS I have no doubt that many many of our grand and great grandfathers would be on the list had there been one back then. Most sincerely, Margaret B. Birmingham, Mi. 8-11-2011 The following is the reply I received on 8-16-11. "Dear Ms B----: "Thank you for your email. I did, in fact, support changes to the law and there has been a number of changes over the last few years. In fact, some of the more recent requirements do not come from the state but come from congress. Again. Thank you for writing. Sincerely," Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard Oakland County President Emeritus, Major County Sheriffs of America. That is the response I received......marge

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