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Thursday, May 15, 2014

The art and science of advertising.

Watching every bit of a commercial will give you a wealth of information,  whether you need or want it.  Colors, clothing, speech and anything else you might pick up on, matter.  More expensive car?  Then look for high end clothes on the models and for women, those fantastic high heel shoes.  Sporty but still expensive?  Check out the casual, well dressed macho men.  Sometimes a touch of gray hair doesn't hurt either.  Now there appears to be a brand new approach to car selling and car safety.  (I don't wish to belittle the 'safety' factor).  The healthy, perfect aged pregnant car salesperson.  Those sneaky little media people.  Can't fool us.  We see what you're up to.  I have an idea.  Instead of pushing what the CEO's (other than safety) want, why not just ask the consumer?  I love it when a car salesman/woman says "and this color is extremely popular"  Really?  Nobody asked my opinion.  What makes it so popular?  Not I!  Not one person asked me for my favorite car color.  Did they ask you?  I thought not.  A new thought.  Not related to selling at all.  'Ombudsman'.  A horrible word, regardless of its meaning.  Try saying it fast three times in a row. Let's  take the creator of that word and duly punish him/her.  You decide.  I have too many mean ways right now.........................marge

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It's a sad day for Birmingham residents.

It's a sad day for Birmingham residents.  The Baldwin Library didn't lose May 6th 2014, our whole City did.  It was an important vote and Birmingham residents were not able to wade through the falsehoods that were being spread, one piled on top of another.  The no voters aren't totally responsible.  It was difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.  It appears the 'naysayers' had 10 times the money and out of state groups to help them destroy the wonderful future of Baldwin Library.  It really is a shame.  Truth did not win out this time......................marge

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I'm so naive

Our local small town election may not be important to 'outsiders' but it is in the City of Birmingham.  The methods that some of the 'anti' library people are taking go beyond the pale.  If one must use lies, libel and misrepresentation of the truth to win, their reasoning methods need to be seriously questioned.  They are pathetic excuses for human beings who seem to be extremely self centered.  I truly feel they have lost any integrity with their self absorbed zealotry.  Reason, out the window.  This Bond Issue won't break any one of us.  'Paying forward' is a good thing.......................marge