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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Our First Lady. Fashion first.

It was so nice of our first couple to stop by Texas with words of encourage.  The 24 hour workers must have found it greatly gratifying.  Even if they haven't had sleep for several days.  They could rest while the first lady changed from her sky high heels to some tennis shoes.  For a moment there, I thought she was going to even do a little work.  Trump, with his age, did manage to wave a Texas flag and I'm sure, say a few words before heading back to D.C.  "tttthats all folks!................marge  P.S.  Is the first lady beautiful?  Absolutely yes.  Am I?.  I would be if I were prettier...............marge

Friday, August 11, 2017

An American Fairy Tale, or Horrible nightmare

Alright.   I know that's not nice but we're dealing with two Megalomaniacs about to get into an Olympic dueling match.  Actually they've already started.  The North Korean whose name is not on the tip of my tongue and the American (cough cough) President whose name is but I choose not to say it. The North Koreans are frightened to death by a heartless dictator who has killed his close relatives.  We Americans and probably the rest of the Western World, are frightened because our 'leader' may get us all killed.  I can understand why the North (and South) Koreans are petrified, but us?  What is our excuse?  I think we once stood as a proud nation, but not anymore.  We are ridiculed if silently by our allies.  We have shamed ourselves beyond words and continue to do so.  Is there no one among us who anymore has any courage?  Has our own Congress failed us?  Our own once precious Republic?................................marge

Thursday, August 10, 2017

History will be over.

If Trump wants to go down in history and continues on his ravings, he's going to be terribly disappointed. There won't be anyone to record it. Ever.............................marge

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Think not twice, but three times.

No matter how many times you put a rotten lemon next to a sweet cherry and hope and pray, the lemon won't change nor will the sweet cherry.  So Congress, giving up the wishing!.................marge

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Destruction imminent. You must act now!

Congressman.  You can't wait any longer.  Today we are being seriously threatened by World destruction by Trump.  Please don't try reasoning with him or most of his  colleagues.  Would you try reasoning with the North Korean leader?  Well the same goes for Trump.  Picture the children of the third world countries.  That will be us, or if possible , worse.  I beg you.  Act now.  Your careers will be nothing if you don't stop Trump and now!..............................marge

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Wake up or we're dead.

MY God America. What does it take for you to realize you've put a mad man at the head of the USA? What really gets me upset is 1. You're too stupid to realize it, or worse, you realize it and it's OK with you. And 2. Why and for how long is it OK for the patient to be in charge of the asylum? Thousands and thousands of us have written emails for Congress to see and do something. Apparently all wasted as they go in one ear and out the other of Congress.  Do you all not understand the gravity of this? Not only are we running out of time but assuredly, hope.  And  hope doesn't last forever. I just pray it isn't too late already...............marge