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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I don't understand, and don't pretend to.

I'm not a psychologist, nor a scholar.  These are my gut reactions.  Did I seriously question the teenage shooting in Florida and disagree with the results?  I most certainly did.  As to Missouri,  having no other facts, I must at this point, agree with the Grand Jury decision.  My complaint?  The Media broadcasters, sometimes called 'newsmen'.  Therein lies my problem.  Reporters are supposed to be unbiased.  This is becoming much more difficult to believe.  They often start with, 'Unarmed teenage child'.  This person technically, as far as I understand, doesn't qualify as 'a child'.  As to being unarmed, no physical weapon yes, attitude, intention to harm makes me wonder if there's more than one kind of 'weapon'.  Now to the 'crowds', 'groups of people'. What do we call them when they appear to lose any logic or reasoning?  Soon they are  racing through the streets, in full defiance of anyone or anything.  I call them 'Mobs'. violent Mobs.  I can't describe them any other way.  They help no one and accomplish nothing.  They, whether they intend to or not, completely turn me off. Am I the only one?..................................marge

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Listen to Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper.  We've all, most likely at a point in our lives, had a terrible injustice happen.  Some in error, some not, but prosecution didn't enter the picture.  We must reach our Legislators and get them to stop legislating laws based on their moral, immoral beliefs.  Its not their job!  Common sense laws are.  Does sexting hurt?  Of course it does and the pain/shame may not go away for years.  Sending our youth to jail for 20 years isn't the solution.  Ask those who were incarcerated 20 years for one marijuana cigarette in past times.  Ask why Prohibition was repealed.  Young lives will be forever damaged if being young and yes 'stupid' would become a felony.  It just isn't the viable solution everyone wants.  This 'lets send everyone to jail' doesn't work!  Please Legislators, don't compound the problem by turning unthinking younger people into long time convicted felons.  Let common sense prevail here.  Please..........................................marge

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tutor extraordinare

I need computer help.  Actually I need more than that but we'll start there.  Everyday I discover what I'm unable to do with/on my computer.  It isn't a question can it be done because the answer is yes but how can I not only learn, but remember what I learn?  That seems to be the problem, in part.  The other part, I don't keep track of what, at a precise moment, I couldn't do.  Then laziness steps in.  Writing notes is such a chore.  Reading what I wrote is even a bigger chore.  I don't have this problem with things that really interest me.  If conquering the computer were as easy as grinding chips out of a goblet, beveling and buffing it, I'd be home free.  Restoring chipped crystal is a breeze by comparison.  My hands take over.  No brain power needed and its much, much more fun...............................marge

Monday, November 3, 2014

God took a day off?

A young, terminally ill woman chose to end her life on earth yesterday.  It was a 'blurb' (or a bit more) on the news.  A so called 'adult' idiot, the same day, chose to do something that had no apparent earthly worthwhile meaning whatsoever and got world wide coverage.  He also chose to take God along for the ride.  Are 'news people' so desperate to keep their jobs they have to go along with this unbelievable 'stunt'?  And what about the TV  viewers and the cheering people below this brainless tightrope walker?  When will brave and courageous acts of human kindness get the same coverage?  Are we all so bored we must look to 'thrill seekers' to get our daily dose of whatever it is we need to feel alive?  If you're listening God, the rest of us need you, not the tightrope walkers of this world................................marge

Sunday, November 2, 2014

25 cents. How can you lose?

Well.  We could count the ways, but not right now.  I've decided to sell pieces of my many years of wisdom (experience).  Perhaps wisdom and experience shouldn't be confused as interchangeable.  In my case, I would say definitely not.  It will hence be labeled, 'Advice'.  Giving it away for years and having anyone listen apparently is not on my 'List of accomplishments'.  That is not necessarily my fault.  It is and was always well intention-ed advice.  Demanding I be listened to (especially by my children) didn't always prove fruitful.  I think that's more their fault than mine, really, if you want to think about it.  So everyone (anyone) send those quarters in and ask away.  You will feel much better (and accepting) of my advice if you have to pay for it.  Free advice just doesn't have the same quality as that which has a price.  I shall do my utmost to see that you get your money's worth......................................marge