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Monday, December 29, 2014

Men. Gawd love em

When the weather turns cold, women don't stand a chance.  If someone could design female attractive, sexy clothes for this time of year, they'd become multimillionaires.  Let's start with male, female hats.  When a man whips off his hat, rumpled hair and all, he looks sexy.  When a woman whips off her hat, she's just ruined a $50 trip to the beauty shop.  Men's boots.  Ah, so masculine and appealing of course.  Women's winter foot ware. Ma Kettle would be proud or the woman ends up in emergency for twisting her ankle in the lovely high heeled but worthless boots.  To the jackets (coats).  Not all, but many men are admired for the 'hunter' or 'war like' looking outerware.  Warm as they might be, would a woman (not the outdoorsy type) be caught dead wearing these patterns?  If I can't go outside in style, then I'm not going out!  And, I might just be a lot thinner come spring................................marge

Saturday, December 27, 2014

What day is it?

I had to go to the kitchen, look at the caller ID on the wall phone, then turn to the calendar on the kitchen door.  Between retirement and  these close together Holidays, I can't remember whether its Wednesday or Saturday!  Nothing good or any regularly scheduled programs on TV give me a clue its probably a weekend day.  No kids walking by going to school helps too.  Unless I have a Dr.'s appointment, I guess it really doesn't matter but I would like to know.  And why shouldn't I?  Something important might just pop into my mind.   One never knows.  Someone may call and say "Let's go to lunch", at the local eatery.  It then is important as to what day it is.  They close early on weekends.  I so hate driving over there and finding them closed, only because I couldn't remember what day it is!  Oh sigh.......................................marge

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Have we always been 'Mad'?

I don't even know where to begin.  Have we forever lived in a world where people suddenly go crazy and do horrendous things to other people?  Has it always been this way?  If therapist knew why, these killings would have stopped long ago.  Figuring out the killers after they act doesn't seem to help prevent future (at the time) senseless killings.  It's not just one group of people, or gender.  Spouses  kill each other or one of them kills all the children.  Workers go into office buildings and kill their ex bosses and co workers.  Adults kill rooms full of innocent children.  These people even go into malls and kill as many people as they can and then commit suicide.  Their 15 minutes of fame?  I doubt it.  What then?  Do they want  to hurt (among others) surviving family members?  Is this their way of revenge against someone or something that has hurt them deeply?  We can't blame guns or knives.  They aren't the 'trigger'.  Perhaps that's the word 'trigger'.  If we can figure out the 'trigger(s)' then perhaps, we can come up with answers.  Let us hope so and soon..................................marge

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mi Governor Snyder

Please Mr. Governor, don't sign that drug bill regarding welfare recipients and drug use testing.  Just because someone thinks  'maybe, possibly, just to be sure, I have a feeling' a welfare recipient is using drugs, is not, to me, a good enough reason to call for testing.  Do you realize how many legitimate drugs and health conditions can cause a person to act differently, or not 'normal'?  Drug and diabetic  reactions etc. are not uncommon.  they happen all the time.  Who is to correctly say what that recipient is reacting to?  A wrong judgement (guess) could cost someone their life.  You want to be fair?  Then let's have all our elected Legislators tested on a weekly basis.  Sound unreasonable?  I don't think so.  And if some of the Legislatures test positive, what punishment would you use?  Don't give them money (salary)? Would putting them to the same 'test' be unreasonable?  If you think so, prove me wrong.  I'd be willing to bet money (to charity of course) I'd come out the winner..........................marge

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Detroit Lions

Whomever is in charge of the Detroit Lions needs help.  No.  I don't know all the ins and out of the game, but some things I do know, decent behavior and fair play among them.  There are repeated personal fouls by a few of the players and what appears to be disrespect for and not listening to or obeying the referees.  When the referee motions a player to 'back off' then that is what he should do, not ignore the Ref.  Each game I watch, I have less and less respect for the team.  It's not how they play that matters but that with which they can get away....................marge

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sports and more sports

At my age, the type of sports in which I participate has changed.  I would say 'rocking' would be appropriate, but I gave the rocker up when the children weren't babies anymore.  I do a few 'push ups' but only to get out of my Lazy Boy.  I also do, (I think they're called 'squats') when I get down to check the lower shelves at the grocery store and have to push on the floor while pulling myself up at the same time, using anything upon which I can get a hold.  Occasionally, someone will come along, see me struggling, and assist me.  Bless em.  Perhaps this 'don't let a senior find anything at eye level' is intentional.  Keeping us active to live and shop longer seems to be a store's motto.  I know walking is healthy.  Meijer isn't too bad but that's my opinion, as is the opposite when it comes to Walmart.  I do wish they'd post maps.  By the time I find what I went for, I have to look for daylight to find my way to the checkout.  I'd say checkouts, but that's not always the case.  I must go rest now.  I'm pretty much worn out.  Til next time..................................marge

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I don't understand, and don't pretend to.

I'm not a psychologist, nor a scholar.  These are my gut reactions.  Did I seriously question the teenage shooting in Florida and disagree with the results?  I most certainly did.  As to Missouri,  having no other facts, I must at this point, agree with the Grand Jury decision.  My complaint?  The Media broadcasters, sometimes called 'newsmen'.  Therein lies my problem.  Reporters are supposed to be unbiased.  This is becoming much more difficult to believe.  They often start with, 'Unarmed teenage child'.  This person technically, as far as I understand, doesn't qualify as 'a child'.  As to being unarmed, no physical weapon yes, attitude, intention to harm makes me wonder if there's more than one kind of 'weapon'.  Now to the 'crowds', 'groups of people'. What do we call them when they appear to lose any logic or reasoning?  Soon they are  racing through the streets, in full defiance of anyone or anything.  I call them 'Mobs'. violent Mobs.  I can't describe them any other way.  They help no one and accomplish nothing.  They, whether they intend to or not, completely turn me off. Am I the only one?..................................marge

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Listen to Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper.  We've all, most likely at a point in our lives, had a terrible injustice happen.  Some in error, some not, but prosecution didn't enter the picture.  We must reach our Legislators and get them to stop legislating laws based on their moral, immoral beliefs.  Its not their job!  Common sense laws are.  Does sexting hurt?  Of course it does and the pain/shame may not go away for years.  Sending our youth to jail for 20 years isn't the solution.  Ask those who were incarcerated 20 years for one marijuana cigarette in past times.  Ask why Prohibition was repealed.  Young lives will be forever damaged if being young and yes 'stupid' would become a felony.  It just isn't the viable solution everyone wants.  This 'lets send everyone to jail' doesn't work!  Please Legislators, don't compound the problem by turning unthinking younger people into long time convicted felons.  Let common sense prevail here.  Please..........................................marge

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tutor extraordinare

I need computer help.  Actually I need more than that but we'll start there.  Everyday I discover what I'm unable to do with/on my computer.  It isn't a question can it be done because the answer is yes but how can I not only learn, but remember what I learn?  That seems to be the problem, in part.  The other part, I don't keep track of what, at a precise moment, I couldn't do.  Then laziness steps in.  Writing notes is such a chore.  Reading what I wrote is even a bigger chore.  I don't have this problem with things that really interest me.  If conquering the computer were as easy as grinding chips out of a goblet, beveling and buffing it, I'd be home free.  Restoring chipped crystal is a breeze by comparison.  My hands take over.  No brain power needed and its much, much more fun...............................marge

Monday, November 3, 2014

God took a day off?

A young, terminally ill woman chose to end her life on earth yesterday.  It was a 'blurb' (or a bit more) on the news.  A so called 'adult' idiot, the same day, chose to do something that had no apparent earthly worthwhile meaning whatsoever and got world wide coverage.  He also chose to take God along for the ride.  Are 'news people' so desperate to keep their jobs they have to go along with this unbelievable 'stunt'?  And what about the TV  viewers and the cheering people below this brainless tightrope walker?  When will brave and courageous acts of human kindness get the same coverage?  Are we all so bored we must look to 'thrill seekers' to get our daily dose of whatever it is we need to feel alive?  If you're listening God, the rest of us need you, not the tightrope walkers of this world................................marge

Sunday, November 2, 2014

25 cents. How can you lose?

Well.  We could count the ways, but not right now.  I've decided to sell pieces of my many years of wisdom (experience).  Perhaps wisdom and experience shouldn't be confused as interchangeable.  In my case, I would say definitely not.  It will hence be labeled, 'Advice'.  Giving it away for years and having anyone listen apparently is not on my 'List of accomplishments'.  That is not necessarily my fault.  It is and was always well intention-ed advice.  Demanding I be listened to (especially by my children) didn't always prove fruitful.  I think that's more their fault than mine, really, if you want to think about it.  So everyone (anyone) send those quarters in and ask away.  You will feel much better (and accepting) of my advice if you have to pay for it.  Free advice just doesn't have the same quality as that which has a price.  I shall do my utmost to see that you get your money's worth......................................marge

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What don't we get?

Our children weren't raised since infancy to hate those not like them and kill those who dare to think differently.  Why now are our young people behaving this way?  Is there some flaw in our child raising abilities?   Has the world and have young  people always been this susceptible?  Perhaps to a minute degree but not to the majority or there would be rioting and warfare all the time.  Can we do anything to change or stop this insanity?  Neither Dr.s, behavioral counselors, or even parents seem to be able to come up with any solutions.   How then can this crucial problem be solved?  We need answers.  Now..................................marge

Friday, October 17, 2014

My perfect car.

This will be complicated.  first, a little history.  My Chevy Tracker is over 14 year old, rusting through the door panels and has 88,000 miles on it, which, comparatively speaking, isn't a lot.  I can't remember what I didn't like about this car the first year or two, but now I want another similar one, with a few corrections or additions.  Its got to be kept simple.  I can do without a complicated dashboard.  I like manual door locks.  Enough with all the electronic stuff.  Some things I don't want.  Really don't want.   The mini SUV's rear end higher than the front, and the high up spare tire, both blocking  the view out of the back window.  I do want a wider rear view mirror and the seats level with my 'seat'.  I don't want to have to climb up to get in or pull myself up to get out of the car.  If you're 25, OK, but I'm not.  Let's stick to sliding in and out for aging, 'mini' sized people like me.  And the muscle tone isn't what it used to be either.   I know, I probably can get electronic seats and a lot of other stuff I'm not even aware that's already here and has been for years (my ignorance abounds) but simplicity is my goal.  This new car probably won't be taking trips to the Bay of Fundy like my Tracker and I did, oh wait, that wasn't my Tracker, that was my stick shift Yugo!!  I certainly won't drive the new one 103 MPH like I did my '57 Plymouth in the mid 50's on Geddes Road.  I have wised up quite a bit since then.  This new 'mini van' I MAY get one of these days, will be driven like a 'little old lady-only on Sundays'.  I know I will remember a lot more after I've posted this but I'll stop for now.  I've tired myself out with  all this brain strain................................marge

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Auto recalls

I just don't get it.  The more recalls per month for an auto company and their sales go up.  What is wrong with this equation?  What am I missing?  Why does defective parts equal more consumer buying of this product?.................................marge

Saturday, October 11, 2014


I once had the good luck to be allowed to ride in a Detroit Police Cruiser from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. in the 6th Precinct.  I should say it was a quiet  night, one missing teenager, a van fully engulfed with tires popping from the heat and a coffee/doughnut shop.  I felt obligated to pay for my coffee and doughnut but the owner wouldn't let me.  I was an obedient 'observer' and thoroughly enjoyed the rare opportunity..............................marge

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Shopping and 'playing golf'!

First.  When I go shopping at Walmart or Home Depot, whatever I need (want) is at the farthest corner of the stores.  If I want two items, they of course will be at opposite, farthest away ends.  Secondly.  Completely different topic.  I consider myself ambidextrous, probably a misnomer in itself.  The light came on recently about why I can't play golf.  There are those that would argue with my self diagnosed conclusions but I'm right.  I know it.  You see, large muscle use i.e. sports, fun finger painting is my left handed side.  Now to the right handed side.  Tiny, little details requiring dexterity, i.e. fine, precise handwork (croquet) and writing,  are my right handed functions.  This is the problem.  Sometimes the large and small muscles get confused as to their duties.  Here is where golf comes in.  Long drives, no problem, shorter putts, a problem.  I can't decide which way to go, both seem awkward.   It then turns into a double whammy.  If my brain could decide, where would one buy a 'mixed' set of clubs?  I really did want to give the game a try.................................marge

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bah humbug...

If you want me to give to your 'cause', you must stop making an important mistake.  I don't like you putting little 'tokens' of your appreciation in the envelope.  No albeit small but 'free' gifts from you please.  You're wasting your money and my time.  Your little 'guilt' gifts don't work.  In fact, I'm insulted to think that you think that is all it takes to get money from me.  Think again.  Its a big turnoff..................................marge

Painful gifts

Charity.  Receiving can be painful, even when not intended by the giver.  Winning on a lottery ticket is one thing, no guilt attached, getting something free by well intention-ed givers is quite another.  The giver by no means intends to hurt, that is not their intent, but to the receiver, it can and does.   The receivers are grateful but with feelings of guilt and unwarranted shame.   That self esteem and personal pride keep kicking in.  Human nature I guess. We're stuck with it and rightly so.  I don't have the answer.  Just food for thought.........................marge

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I believe I have many prejudices.  Some acceptable, most not.  As a child, I was threatened with having to eat asparagus by several mean relatives.  To them, a big family joke.  To me, not funny, just plan cruel.  Hence, I pretty much hate asparagus.  Are there certain people or groups I don't particularly like?  Yes.  Are my dislikes reasonable?  A weak, really weak perhaps to some extremely small degree but probably not.  I therefore, attempt to keep them to myself.  I've learned that even passing my 'prejudices' along in 'joke', or any form, is wrong.  This only serves to perpetuate 'hate' and accomplishes absolutely no good.  I've decided to think not twice, but three times before forwarding 'humor'.  (Alright, I weaken when it comes to 'blonde' jokes').  I once wore a blonde wig and loved the personality change.  It may have a been a bit much to handle though.  Back then to brunette and finally gray.  Now, its time to not only stop being part of not so harmless 'joking' and that is important, but to speak out against it.  That is equally, or even more important................................marge

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I've spent most of the day wasting time.  I do that a lot.  I did however, buy my grandson an 'only child' card.  Is he? No, but his big sister did run off to her first year at college leaving him 'alone'.  Getting back to my new job, or career as I prefer to think of it.  I've decided to 'waste time' and get paid to do so.  I won't charge much so more 'time wasters' can afford to use my service.  It will be simple.  Just forward a list to me  of things you didn't get done.  Can it be much simpler than that?  I don't think so.  That's all you have to do.  I will take care of the rest.  Now and this is an important now, don't misunderstand.  I'm not going to do anything of the things you put off doing, that's not what you're paying me for.  I'll explain.  Once you've assigned your 'wasted time' to me, its all on my shoulders.  You will have no more worries.  Now, if anyone asks you what you did today, you may reply with a clear conscience, "Everything I set out to accomplish, I did".  And that's the truth.  Any unaccomplishments are on my shoulders.  Rest easy.  You're home free and with a clear conscience..............marge

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Open Carry arms, small 'manhood'

I finally figured it out.  Men who need to open carry sidearms, rifles and semi automatic weapons around in public are feeling terribly inadequate.  Its that simple.  What they don't have inside their pants, they'll make do with visible weapons outside.  No more need be said.  That's it folks!.......................marge

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Michigan Sex Offender Registry

On 2-14-10 I wrote a long article about Michigan's Sex Offender Registry and how bad it is.  I had hopes that our Legislators (A nice word for politicians) would do something about that law to improve it and put some fairness into it.  Hope didn't do it.  I haven't heard of one legislator who has made any attempt to make any corrections.  The 'Why not' is easy to figure out.  Not only are they afraid of not keeping their constituents but of not gaining any new ones.  Forget about righting any wrongs, that's apparently the last thought on their minds.  It all about staying in their elected offices.  Fighting for a minority is precluded by that.  Too bad some of them can't step up and be counted.  Let's not hold our breaths......................marge

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

inexcusable death

An innocent child was handed a UZI, just to play with, for the fun of it.  She was just average size and surrounded by adults, adults who after years of growing up, didn't.  Because of their ignorance, she now carries a label of 'killer'.  On purpose?  Of course not.  This tragedy is beyond comprehension.  Had the instructor not worked with children?  So it would appear.  He knew the capability of the weapon, but not the incapability of the child.  And the parents?  What was their motive?  A bunch of silly pictures to take home from their vacation showing off what, a little girl with an over sized rapid firing gun?  Isn't that something about which to brag.  Those, hopefully, never taken pictures, may not be on film, but they'll be in their minds til the day they die..........................marge


Yesterday I got a call  "Your grandson has been in an accident and we need $2000 to keep him out of jail".  They talk fast and descriptively.  Your mind is spinning, upon which they count.  Have your cell phone handy!  Make a quick call to the grandson!  Mine was sleeping.  He was fine.  Phew!  We Seniors may not be the sharpest tack in the box (sorry) but we haven't totally lost it!.................marge

Saturday, August 23, 2014

You pathetic curly haired people.

You have body, waves and beautiful ringlets.  Oh the suffering of it.  I don't know about frizzy hair.  I don't have that either.  I have, and not everyone believes it, totally straight hair.  Hair like  the finger in the socket hair.  Hopelessly unimproveable or styleable.  (never mind my spelling).  Their is nothing, absolutely nothing to be done to 'straight' hair to make it attractive.  I know.  You've seen straight haired people whose hair looks fantastic.  Little do you know.  Our bathroom shelves are lined with gels, lacquer, foams and finishing sprays.  They are used individually and together, our heads secretly a semi-matted mess.  No handsome man running his fingers through our hair, at least after the first try.  So no more saying to us, 'oh pooh, you exaggerate'.  We don't and that's the gospel truth.  Thanks heavens for my gorgeous looks.........................marge

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Deaths of our young people.

I don't pretend to understand what it means to be of First Nation or African American backgrounds.  I doubt many of us do and for that I'm sorry.  I am however, appalled at what appears to be many people who jump into the fracas, not for justice, but for the need to prove their own self importance, self esteem and perhaps get their own needed 15 minutes of fame.  A poor comparison is people who go to sporting events and try to sit in line of the TV cameras.  They're not their for the games as witnessed by their inattention and their always glancing at the camera or their hand held electronics.  How pathetically sad.  How do we help those individuals?  They've become part of the problem, not one of the solutions.....................marge

Sunday, August 17, 2014

To the lighter side

I live on a corner.  I like that.  People out for a walk wave to me.  I wave back from my kitchen window.  I was going to write a book once with that title, maybe I still will or better yet blog.  My side yard is not quite ordinary.  Nor, I guess, am I.  Looking out from my back porch windows are two large tigers and I do mean large.  In my yard itself, near the sidewalk, are smaller and larger animals.  All are made of assorted garden tools and any other pieces of metal found at garage sales.  There are treasures out there to be had.  Did I make these?  No.  My daughter the welder did.  She has more fun being creative than a three year old finger painting, much more.  I have a leopard named Sophia, Hugo the 200 lb. lion, A tall giraffe Quinn (my neighbor and I argued about whether it was a boy or girl, hence the name Quinn, A smaller giraffe, Lilly (only four ft. tall and lastly, for the moment, my favorite, so far, Hugo, an Orangutan, hanging from a plant holder.  Close your eyes and try to spell orangutan.  In the chair next to my side door is a plaque which reads, 'I may wander but I'm never lost'.  Do go garage saleing and do walk by and oh yes, wave...........................marge

Friday, August 15, 2014

Just a point of view

I don't know why a teenager was shot to death in Missouri.  The facts are not out yet.  So much is wrong with this story.  Right now I am more angry with the protesters, or should I say rioting looters.  They are, in my mind, bullying intimidaters.  They may well have the right to be angry and frustrated but their actions make their behavior completely unacceptable.  They have turned their town and many innocent business owners into victims.  Don't break into stores, loot, (with faces covered of course) and scream into TV cameras.  You want someone to pay for the young man's death, I get that.  Who among you is going to pay for all the havoc you have wreaked?  Are you not responsible for your behavior?  Let anyone responsible for the death and mayhem be held accountable.  Anyone and everyone....................marge

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cruel at its best.

There are people out there who keep taking mean, cruel pictures of me with their assorted types of cameras.  The blame is not the camera snappers though.  My loving relatives holding the photographic equipment certainly aren't accountable.The blame must rest with the camera manufacturers.  I can't be standing next to beautiful grandchildren who turn out good enough to be on a magazine cover and show up looking like, well, an apple left in the fridge too long and I really mean too long.  I'd show you a picture but haven't completely mastered the computer yet.  A picture however, would only prove my point I'm sad to say................................marge

Saturday, June 28, 2014


I am so close its embarrassing.  Really.  Don't listen to those 'naysayers'.  Shakespeare once said, oh wait, I never read Shakespeare.   But I digress.  Working in a group is sometimes difficult for me.  Alright.  Some would say 'doesn't play well with others' is more accurate.  Its just a matter of interpretation.  Integrity first, all else second.  Yes, humility is important and I do try to keep it in the mix.  Not always an easy task but only for good reasons.  In my attempt to keeping people informed, on any subject, my eagerness takes over, hiding my humility and humbleness.  Not good but any offense unintentional.  So there you have it.  Remember all my good qualities.  They are what make me.  No.  I won't list them again.  Quit daydreaming and use your brain.......................marge

Friday, June 27, 2014

Random thoughts

In another lifetime, I used to sit and cry as I tried to fold a contour sheet and make it come out square.  When you don't hear from your grown children, send an email.  'Hello I'm fine'.  I'll be 'finer' when the cast comes off my wrist.  If there's no such thing as a 'figured person', then there should not be a 'disfigured' person.  Its all in the mind's eye.  Pro baseball batters are also pros at multitasking.  Who else can chew, swing a bat and hit a ball all at the same time.  Perhaps high schoolers in class could benefit from the pros.  "Let them chew gum!"  The spitting is not in this equation.  Finally, I can't help wondering what the players do when home.  Does the wife occasionally have to slap them upside the head?  Till next time.........................marge

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Good job Patty

When driving with my daughter in my car, she's always saying, "don't hit that flying bird or squirrel running across the road!"  This week she was about to leave the drive-in window at McDonald's in Novi.  Something flashing across the front of her car caused her to slam on the brakes.  The 'object', a toy, was immediately followed by a dashing young child.  His Grandma was extremely grateful and assuredly not the only one..............................marge

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kim Kardashian and family

Every day I turn on the computer, up pops a story about Kim Kardashian and her family.  I pretty much have no idea who they are, what they do or more importantly, why.  I've seen her wearing white, I've seen her wearing black.  I've seen her wearing see through and not see through.  What am I missing here and should I care?  So far I don't think not caring has been detrimental to me.  I guess I'll stop worrying about it.  As Rhett Butler said, "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.".......................marge

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I did it!

Yesterday I put my initials in wet cement.  That shouldn't be a problem.  Oh wait.  It wasn't my cement, it was the City's. I won't tell if you won't.  Cross my heart.  Maybe.  PS.  The hand print is NOT mine.....................marge

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I am wandering mindlessly in this world.  I wait for fantastic doors to open to anywhere (good and special, nothing or no one else need apply) on a daily, no hourly basis.  Getting into the car, no goal in mind, answering the phone, opening my emails, checking who rang the door bell, stopping at a garage sale, waiting for that something 'special'.  When a small or larger 'special' happens, sadly, it's short lived, or so it seems.  Is there a permanent fix?  No.  That's why we keep trying.  Enthusiasm wanes, or is this what we call Depression?  Goals are all around us.  I just don't know where or how to look........................marge

Friday, June 6, 2014

May be an epidemic.

Or maybe I'm just now noticing.  Have you checked out all the 'elbow drivers' at your local grocery store?  This is not the same as the young people walking about with heads down and thumbs attached to their I- Pads  (or whatever those little 'screened'  boxes are called).  These are (not all),  mostly seniors doing their grocery shopping.  We, yes I too, have developed this terrible habit of using the carts for support.  Be it known it does make for bad steering so please, keep an eye on our carts as you pass by.  I'm making it your responsibility. not ours, to avoid cart crashes.......................marge

Monday, June 2, 2014

Living Dangerously (after sixty).

1.  Letting the gas tank get below 2/3 full.  2.  Not opening the passenger door to see if you're close enough to the curb.  3.  Pretending the teller didn't go too fast when counting out your change.  4.  Cheerfully waving back at an impatient driver with your whole hand......................marge

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Wondering again

I am deeply puzzled.  Parents, all over town are running (jogging) for miles while pushing a cart containing children of various ages.  Hooray for the active parents.  What message though is this sending to the little 'riders'?  What possible messages could they be receiving after their 'lengthy' rides?   Wouldn't they be better off and  healthier staying at home running around the yard or playing outdoor games or even indoor ones?  What is wrong with this picture?  How can it be corrected?.......................marge

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The art and science of advertising.

Watching every bit of a commercial will give you a wealth of information,  whether you need or want it.  Colors, clothing, speech and anything else you might pick up on, matter.  More expensive car?  Then look for high end clothes on the models and for women, those fantastic high heel shoes.  Sporty but still expensive?  Check out the casual, well dressed macho men.  Sometimes a touch of gray hair doesn't hurt either.  Now there appears to be a brand new approach to car selling and car safety.  (I don't wish to belittle the 'safety' factor).  The healthy, perfect aged pregnant car salesperson.  Those sneaky little media people.  Can't fool us.  We see what you're up to.  I have an idea.  Instead of pushing what the CEO's (other than safety) want, why not just ask the consumer?  I love it when a car salesman/woman says "and this color is extremely popular"  Really?  Nobody asked my opinion.  What makes it so popular?  Not I!  Not one person asked me for my favorite car color.  Did they ask you?  I thought not.  A new thought.  Not related to selling at all.  'Ombudsman'.  A horrible word, regardless of its meaning.  Try saying it fast three times in a row. Let's  take the creator of that word and duly punish him/her.  You decide.  I have too many mean ways right now.........................marge

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It's a sad day for Birmingham residents.

It's a sad day for Birmingham residents.  The Baldwin Library didn't lose May 6th 2014, our whole City did.  It was an important vote and Birmingham residents were not able to wade through the falsehoods that were being spread, one piled on top of another.  The no voters aren't totally responsible.  It was difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.  It appears the 'naysayers' had 10 times the money and out of state groups to help them destroy the wonderful future of Baldwin Library.  It really is a shame.  Truth did not win out this time......................marge

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I'm so naive

Our local small town election may not be important to 'outsiders' but it is in the City of Birmingham.  The methods that some of the 'anti' library people are taking go beyond the pale.  If one must use lies, libel and misrepresentation of the truth to win, their reasoning methods need to be seriously questioned.  They are pathetic excuses for human beings who seem to be extremely self centered.  I truly feel they have lost any integrity with their self absorbed zealotry.  Reason, out the window.  This Bond Issue won't break any one of us.  'Paying forward' is a good thing.......................marge

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

To nowhere and fast

I'm tired of rereading old blogs.  However, my stagnant mind can't seem to come up with a new thought.  Here I am.  A seventyish woman stuck in the mind of a fourteen year old.  A tough combination.  Some days I lean left, some days right.  I've tried making my friends and family perfect (never mind the rest of the world) but so far success is yet to be achieved.  Be assured, I haven't given up,  no matter how many I drive to total distraction.  That's their problem and they must deal with it.  I can only handle so much.  I have limits and I've probably reached them.  But then, maybe not.  Tomorrow is another day...........................marge

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Went to McD's yesterday.  Was going to order a small 'senior' coffee.  Changed my mind and ordered a large one.  Nope.  Can't get a large senior coffee.  Senior coffees only come in small.   Are we talking a large profit loss here?  Secondly:  I've been looking for a larger non digital wristwatch so I don't have to use glasses to read it.  Oh they have larger watches.  Unfortunately, they don't make the hands wider.  Skinny hands on a large watch just don't work.  In fact, I could get by with no numbers and just wider hands.  That would work for me.  PS.  A newscaster, regarding the S Korean boat disaster just stated that the weather wasn't cooperating in the search.  I didn't know the weather had a choice.........................marge

Monday, March 31, 2014

Greatly needed

There are two classes that are still not being taught in schools.  1. Taking anything apart and 2. Putting anything back together.  SAFELY!  This is the key word.  Remember it.  As a child, I decided to fix the plug on a frazzled lamp cord.  And yes, they did have electricity back then.  I did notice the two wires in the cord were separated.  I decided to save time and electrical tape so I twisted the wires together and taped them as one, followed by attaching the plug.  Proud of myself, I plugged in the lamp.  I don't think I need to tell you what happened.  Just DON'T try it!  Then there was my sister's non working wrist watch.  Maybe if I took the back off and looked inside, I could see the problem.  Everything looked normal but then, how would I know?  I had never examined the inside of a watch.  Intriguing yes, forthcoming with a possible fix, especially after taking a few pieces out?  No.  I think her watch mysteriously disappeared.  Finally, in my adult years and I use that word loosely, I was asked by a friend to help put her new phone up on the wall.  The brackets were already there.  This was simple.  I could do this.  I held the phone over the brackets and pulled the phone down.  Everything was fine except I didn't move the phone wires out of the way.  They were nicely sliced in half.  Bless the phone company.  They let us take it back and get another one, for free.  (This is when they had old fashioned phone stores).  Can you believe, she wouldn't let me put this one on the wall?  I'm pretty sure I could have done it right this time..................marge

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Trading Moms, correction. Trading OF Moms.

One of my daughters has been convinced by her welding buddies (among others) that I might be trading material.  Not that their Mothers are so bad.  The idea however, of a silly, weird, eccentric, not always on the right train track Mom just might be more fun than having ordinary, run of the mill loving Mothers such as theirs.  Flattering as this might be, I'm here to warn them.  Be careful for what you wish.  The grass is not always greener on the other side of the septic field.........................marge

Friday, March 28, 2014

Will Rogers

I understand now what Will Rogers meant when he said "I never met a man I didn't like".  How can you dislike someone about whom you know nothing?  And after you know them for awhile?  Well, That's a different story.  I had fun out in the world today.  A dapper, distinguished gentleman held the door oh so politely for me as I entered the local post office. Once inside I lined up at the glass topped counter with pretty post office stuff encased inside.  I was admiring the new glass and also noticing it already had scratches from people dragging their packages along the top.  I then proceeded to chastise the young gentleman for putting his fingers prints all over the glass.  He, I must say, took it in stride.  I told him its fun picking on people who don't know me ( bravery in anonymity).  Next thing I knew I gave him my 'blog' title and name!  On rare occasions I can be, for a split second, clever.  I never said smart.  I never claimed that although I should have as they wouldn't have had time to realize the truth.  I also turned to the nice young woman behind me and gave her one of my new 'blog' cards.  What good is blogging if no one reads my blogs?  My reputation of  'the griper' precedes me but I do try to hide it, at least in the beginning.  Which brings me to after I left the Birmingham Post Office, turning south onto Adams Rd. and proceeded to watch three cars block the Adams Fire Station exit.  "Off with their heads!" I say.................................marge

Sunday, March 23, 2014

And I haven't even started yet!

I'm sitting in on a creative writing class at our local library.  The latest assignment:  Write about physical gestures of local T.V. newscasters.  I chose the morning 'gang' (there's more of them at one shot) but that predestined me to basically immediate failure.  I (to be truthful) dislike (actually hate) mornings and equally important, cheerful, smiley, happy morning newscasters (or anyone else for that matter).  At best, my limit to watching them is three minutes.  There is no beyond that.  I can't get beyond that.  My email is 'nightowlmaggie' for a reason.  My friends, the few I have, at least in the mornings, know never to call before 10 a.m.  Just in case, I do mellow as the day wears on.  After dark, I'm quite congenial.  Yes I am.  Don't argue with me..........................marge

Thursday, March 20, 2014

No blizzard, just biannual virus

It happens when I least expect it.  The virus has struck.  It puts me in some kind of delirium, fortunately for only a few hours.  I put the mini vacuum back in the closet clearing floor space in my mini kitchen, moved the radio, bought months ago and still in its box from under the china cabinet and mopped two floors.  You were to be invited to come and take pictures as I still haven't figured out my 'phone camera' yet. Dusting all the wooden floors was next but thank the Lord, my fever broke.  So, if you would, please hold off on the picture taking.  As for the miniscule dust balls on the bathroom walls, let's not even go there.......................marge

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Blizzard. again

Oh dear.  Not again.  I am, still prepared.  No tumble weeds when the furnace goes on.  In preparation, I dusted the main table in the living room.  This is not because I've turned over a new leaf, its because that's the first thing a visitor would notice, a sign of a good/bad housekeeper.  I'm pleased to say I have done some belated reading as I previously promised.  Book 1.  'How to play Texas Holdem on line'.  Book 2. and I admit, I'm only about 1/5 the way through, 'The Body Language of Liars'.  So be careful and don't try to fool me.  I confess though, I'm only up to the 'toddler' level.......................marge

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


What does God do when Narcissists approach the Pearly Gates?.......................marge

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Loneliness:  Feelings of isolation, sadness, hurting, unworthiness, rejected as not good enough to be liked and so on.  These are people who at one time in their lives had a sense of humor and were fun to be around.  Now they are not.  What to do.  What to do.  We could stay away.  Who wants to be around a person who depresses us with their sadness and demands?  Yes.  Demands, or should I say 'silent pleas'?  A plea to be recognized as a worthwhile (albeit annoying) human being.  Maybe.  Just maybe they don't know how to stop the downward spiral.  This is where we come in.  Do we, as decent human beings pull back and say "Enough.  I can't take anymore of your irritating behavior", or do we as they say, "suck it up" and extend a hand, a helping hand and quite possibly save someone's life?  The choice is ours............................marge

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Medicare ripoff

I received a call yesterday from what I believe to be one of many 'Health Insurance 'for profit' companies.  They asked if I had any back, knee, etc. aches or pains.  When I said no and asked why they asked that question, they replied , "we have these  'braces' to help you".  All you have to do is get your Dr. to write a prescription, then Medicare will cover part of all of the cost.  These apparently private companies are out for huge profits at the expense of our Medicare System.  I think they are taking advantage of seniors who don't understand that our System is being raped by their suggestive methods that we need their products.  Drs. can have a hard time saying no to a patient who is convinced this 'product' will make their lives so much better.  No wonder Medicare is in the red.  There must be a way to stop these for profit companies from their questionable tactics and soon.....................marge

Sunday, February 16, 2014

No! Not again!

I don't know how many more blizzards I can take, or my freezer for that matter.  Just mention the 'B' word and its off to the grocery store again!  This time it was canned green beans and oh yes, meltable dark chocolate for strawberries.  Unfortunately they didn't have any large delicious strawberries like 'Edible Fruits' does.  Those are the greatest but I just couldn't bring myself to pay another $31 for a dozen, even though they're worth every bite.  I've never attempted this project before so I may just spend the $31.  We'll see.  Besides, I've yet to buy the strawberries.  I whittled down the freezer contents this afternoon.  I took out a small unrecognizable package and thawed it in the microwave.  Delicious bite of smoked salmon from a friend.  Since that wasn't the intended snack, I returned to the freezer, removing yet another small container.  Aha.  Found the right one.  A little hot pepper stuffed with cheese.  Yes, they do freeze nicely.  If you're concerned, remember, so far its been only protein and vegetable, that 'healthy' stuff.  Of course slightly buried in one corner is a larger bag of  'non pariels' (never could spell or pronounce it).  These of course are for emergencies, usually around midnight, when boredom sets in at its fullest.  I have enough to share.  I am however, not generous to a fault..........................marge

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Getting educated

I've made a decision.  I want to go back to school.  There's so much I want to learn.  Let's start with English, Math and the major one, a foreign language, or even two.  I could do it, a little at a time of course, remembering, I'm at the aging, not beginning part of my life.  I haven't applied anywhere yet.  Not sure there's a place for me.  Do preschool or early elementary learning centers take Senior Citizens?  Don't for a moment think I'd start any higher.  I would be a good student, at least at being non disruptive.  I'd sit in the back so the other students wouldn't notice me too much.  I'd do what the teacher says.  It is her class.  I also would be available for hugs when necessary, giving and receiving of course.  So if there's any openings out there, please let me know.  One little caveat, I am not nice before 10 a.m.  After that, I really am quite human......................marge

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Tell me it isn't true!   I was only kidding!  I don't want to be locked in my house with old frozen foods and tumbleweeds.  Oh wait.  Those are dust balls, blown from the tables when the furnace went on. I am taking calls, please, if you're out there........................marge

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fake weight labels

Just a short blog (I think but one never knows).  I truly believe that all stores are mislabeling their packages that Seniors need to lift.  I just bought and carried a 20 lb. bag of sidewalk salt out to the car.  Oh please.  I know 40 lbs. when I lift it.  As I mentioned once before, about the great grandchild weighs 19 lbs., I do hate correcting the parents (oh really?) but if that toddler weights less than 38 lbs., I'll eat my hat.  Then there's those who would say I've lost my muscle tone from lack of in depth, or even moderate exercise.  I exercise each and everyday.  The right arm continually raises and lowers the footrest on my Lazy Boy, the left arm turns lights on and off frequently during the evening, I do stairs several times a day and the hand strengthening, the major one, is raising and lowering a full to empty coffee cup at least a dozen times a day.  So, don't even think of calling me a slacker............................marge 

Computer and blizzard

I sit here at my wondrous but mostly confusing computer with the usual plethora of thoughts.  (No.  It's not a word I use often but I actually work at stretching the mind).  This will be a two, (or three) parter.  Oops, jiggly red line under parter.  Apparently it's not a real word, so 'they' say.  It works for me.  But back to business.  There are many little quirks and questions about my computer that need answering.  I can't call the $100/hour wonderful geeks all the time, just doesn't seem feasible.  Nor is it fair to rely on my computer experts daughter and son in-law.  Even if they are more than willing, the problem is at my end.  I can't remember what I want fixed.  I know, write it down but it isn't always a 'problem', I just don't understand what is happening.  How do I write something down I don't understand? That is the question.  Most of it is basic A B C steps, but, in a nutshell, I don't know how to get to A.  But enough about me and my computer.  Back to the impending 'blizzard'.  I have again, stocked up for its arrival.  I know, the last one was just a short while ago and I haven't eaten that food yet.  Finding more 'free space'  in the freezer is becoming a looming  problem.  What's in there is already boring me, except for maybe, the cookies.  Cookies are a staple of life to be treated with respect. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.  Fresh vegetables?  No.  Cans of V-8 juice work just fine.  Milk for cereal?  Fry the cereal with butter, onion powder and salt, eliminating the need for milk, which eventually just sours anyway.  Eggs, always eggs and simple survival should be covered.  Now to the being imprisoned syndrome.  I have a coffee table full of wonderful books to read.  Much time can be consumed browsing the titles.  When that gets tiresome, pull out the old unfinished crossword puzzles  that couldn't be completed the first time at trying.  There's so much self entertainment available.  If worse comes to worse, there is always dusting etc. but I try to stay away from such thoughts.  Locked inside away from the world is scary enough without bringing up shh, cleaning....................................marge

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Thank you Lauren.  Your comment is greatly appreciated...........marge

It's ok to brag

Yes.  It is ok to brag.  Today I got a visit from my great granddaughter.  She is nine months and four days old.  We went to Village Coney for lunch.  She happily chewed on several dill pickle spears.  She was then stood on the floor where she proceeded to walk around.  No, not totally surefooted  but walking on her own nonetheless.  Many many years ago, I had a baby born with Spina Bifida / hydrocephalus.  He lived eight months.  Once, just once as I held him, he raised his face, looked at me and cooed.  It might as well have been the Gettysburg Address.  I have bragging rights. We all do.  It's alright...................marge

Friday, January 31, 2014


I sit here waiting yet for another 'mini blizzard'.  I know, this won't be an 'over a foot of snow' kind, but nonetheless, still, in my mind, a blizzard.  We've has  a couple in the last two weeks or so.  Each time, I, ahead of the storm, drive to the store and stock up on emergency foods.  In desperation, I could walk to a fairly nearby store,  but lets be real.  Going for three items is a trick.  I couldn't carry home all the 'impulse shopping' that would happen as I walked to pick up only that which was absolutely necessary .  I did get today, two ready made salads full of that healthy stuff.  Since I must watch my sugar, I use yogurt as the dressing.  Normally I wouldn't eat yogurt (yukky bacteria), but someone convinced me recently it really wouldn't kill me.  (I'm still not sure.)  But back to my stockpiling.  I have frozen macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and If I remember correctly, homemade soup.  Today I got, in addition to the dwindling pizza, more pizza, with pepperoni of course.  Finally, thinking only of the protein, four McD's hamburgers.  Soon, I shall have to start eating what's in my freezer.  Secretly, I only put it there for my comfort zone, I may never eat it, just open the freezer on occasion and look at it.  Alright, it's high in starch and a LITTLE fat but have you ever heard of someone surviving a blizzard on vegetables and other non starchy food?  I haven't......................marge

Sunday, January 26, 2014

vacuum cleaners/carpeting

I don't like vacuum cleaners or carpeting.  The  upright ones were ok but the tank ones were a drag, literally.  As for the carpeting, it wasn't too bad until they decided the middle of the room wasn't good enough, it had to go under all the furniture.  Why, I still don't know, to make the furniture more comfortable?  It never gets walked on and is  a wonderful dust collector.  I found a solution.  Get rid of both.  A dust mop is so much easier to maneuver. The electricity cost is lower but vacuuming once a month probably doesn't make a huge difference.  I found my own solution but with mixed emotions.  My floors are like the old 'five and dimes', (Extremely early Kresge's for those of you too young to remember), worn, unshiny  and occasionally squeaky, but good memories.  On the other hand, I remember 'grade school' floors.  No matter how many thousands of little feet repeatedly traveled them on a daily basis, a special man, known only as 'the janitor', brought them back to glistening life anew each morning.  I've been told, I too could have that kind of floor, but at what price, emotionally.  You see, I'm a perfectionist, really, perhaps the sloppiest one I know, but one, non the less.  The first time anyone, myself included puts one drop of water or speck of anything on my perfect floors, I'd throw a fit.  I've lived like that.  Its no fun and I guarantee you wouldn't like me.  Next time you come over, rain or shine, you don't have to take off your boots or shoes, (maybe  just a quick wipe on a throw rug).  Welcome....................marge

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Too much time

I've been thinking and that, for me, is not always a good thing.  Its a side effect of boredom with often, less than perfect results.  I'd blame others, but it is self inflicted.  I realize its early but the only possible solution is to start spring cleaning now.  I washed the bedding so that's done for the year.  I quick cleaned the floors three months ago and that's that.   So now I must look elsewhere.  Dust the table tops?  Perhaps, but to what end?  Dust just recollects.  Hardly seems worth it.  The dishes are clean (plates),  even if it is only the top four.  Maybe I should put the rest of the stack away but once every 18 months, company comes over and I'd have to dig them out.  Don't know what the next project will be.  Its still early though.  Darn.  There I go, thinking again...................marge

Friday, January 17, 2014

Gun rights

 Every citizen in the U.S. has the right to keep a gun or guns in the home.  This however, seems to be their only priority, their right, but apparently not their responsibility.  That doesn't even appear to come in 2nd, 3rd or 4th.  Another young child in Detroit, Mi (or elsewhere) is dead.  They didn't know any better at age four.  The adult(s) in the house should have but didn't.  Grandparents and older people are nice but if they aren't around the little ones on a daily basis, they forget how closely kids, even the best of them, need constant supervision.  So while what seems like macho gun owners fighting over their rights, who's fighting for the rights of innocent, dead children who have no say in this matter?  I don't see any of the guns rights activists searching for a solution to this deadly problem.  What do you have to offer?  Please, let us hear your possible 'fix'(s) to this horrible, increasing disaster.  Surely you've given it some, any thought...................marge                 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Football excuses

I'm watching a football playoff game.  Early on I decided I liked San Francisco having no previous influence either way.  The game playing announcers are doing something that surprises me.  They seem  to excuse 'person foul' behavior as a moment of frustration on the part of the offending player.  He lost his 'cool'.  Baloney.  These players are like frustrated little boys and shouldn't be excused for their repeated unacceptable actions.  Good sportsmanship is just that, GOOD sportsmanship.  When will the governing body of the leagues make participants realize that (coaches, coordinators, players, sponsors) the game will be better off for it.  I'm tired of immaturity being mistaken for over zealousness.   Call it like it is..................marge

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Perfection. Such a burden.

I'm going to start the New Year being more humble.  Its been a struggle in the past and I expect that struggle to continue.  Yes I do make a few grammatical errors when blogging but they are SO minimal, unless of course daughter # 2 happens to read my blogs.  One little misplaced question mark and she's all over it (but always, always in a nice, constructive way.)   I'm still working on putting it all together and becoming eventually, 'learned'.  But the real problem is, I didn't do well in school.  Yes, I did manage to maintain a B- average.  And, I have Latin I vocabulary and loving Gym classes to thank for it.  I was no dummy.......................PS. A letter to the Editor, years ago, was, in part, put into a book  about Dr. Jack Kevorkian.  Say what you will. That makes me a published author and you can't convince me otherwise......................marge

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I have a few benign spiders in my house.  We all do.  There are however, certain rooms in which they are not allowed.  In my house, it's the kitchen and bathroom.   Well maybe a couple other places too.  Some friendly advice.  When making fresh coffee in your little mini fast coffee maker, do a quick check.  Where you say.  You won't be happy with this, but in the freshly filled water section.  Spiders seem to float or at least this one didn't sink, for which I'm grateful.  I didn't take the time to find out if it was dead or alive.  Then there's the shower.  Ever enjoy a nice warm leisurely shower and happen to glance upward?  What's up there, directly over your head?  That's right, a spider.  Do you know how hard it is to rinse off the soap when you can't stand in the middle of the tub?  Onward and Upward................marge

Sunday, January 5, 2014


While I was sleeping, the Snow Shovel Fairy showed up at my house.  (I think they're mostly male) but that's a guess on my part.  I don't know how I got to be chosen.  I do know, its not because I'm a wonderful person, at least before 10 a.m.  Ask any of my friends (the usual two again), they'll tell you the pre 10 a.m. rule (don't call me!) is written in blood.  Now if I could just get the attention of the Lawn Mowing Fairy.................marge

Friday, January 3, 2014

I lost 60 years

Everything was fine yesterday, then  the TV started acting up.  OK.  I'll go play on the computer.  The computer also started acting strangely.  Things are now getting serious.  There are people, some my friends out there and I can't see or reach them.  Oh what to do.  Wait!  There's a telephone on the wall!  I can call people and I won't need a battery or have to recharge the phone!  I called several friends I know (two) and talked for as long as they would let me.  I even considered calling 'friends' I didn't care that much for, but resisted.  (I had to draw the line of self respect somewhere).  There should be a new game show for television.  It could be called, 'What did we do before hand held electronics?"  I'd put these hand held objects in the title, but honestly, I don't know what they're called.  (I think several are referred to as 'pods' but am not sure).  It doesn't matter as I probably won't be getting any 'pods' in the near future.  I'm still trying to figure out how to button up my sweater in this cold weather. It's not as simple as you think.  The button holes are oval and the buttons are round........................marge